

Whenever I give talks or hold workshops, I always say at the start that I don’t want to go on about things that might not be of interest to the people there. The same applies here. You’re probably visiting to find something out about my books not me. So I’m happy to answer any questions about them or about writing in general.

Contact with readers is a real pleasure so I like to encourage it as much as possible. I have strong political views but I won’t be expressing them here, nor will I get involved in any slanging matches.

I’m happy to give advice to budding writers but I don’t have time to read manuscripts. And I’d rather not get into the sort of conversation where I’m not qualified to express an opinion. Like the time when I was warden of a hall of residence and, during the vacation, when we were hosts to some Saga holidaymakers, my name was displayed in the central building as Duty Warden. There it was – DR KIRTON – the “Dr” courtesy of my PhD on the theatre of Victor Hugo. A gentleman called for me and, before I could stop him, told me he’d forgotten to bring his prescription and asked if I’d write one for a urethral condition. He was determined I should get the full picture so I had to listen to a detailed list of urinary tract symptoms. This was before breakfast, too.

If you want to ask a question, make a comment, praise or criticise one or more of my books, or just get in touch, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at

But don’t ask for any prescriptions..