The End

Nearly there.

A couple of years ago, after collaborating on several stories for submission to R B Wood’s Word Count Podcast (soon to be revived in a different format with a new title), Eden Baylee and I decided to continue producing joint efforts on our own websites as 800 word stories. They were based on randomly drawn prompts and the first (The Biter Bit)  appeared on January 13th 2021, with others following on a monthly basis. That became bi-monthly at the beginning of this year. By way of variation we also interspersed the joint efforts with solos every few months.

The result of it all was 29 collaborations and 14 solos, making  43 stories in all. Our friendship not only survived, but grew and, speaking for myself, I found it a fascinating process, enlightening in the way it compelled me as a writer to broaden my perspectives and shape and develop characters and situations not of my own devising.

My hope is that, when Richard Wood launches his new short story initiative, at least some of the submissions he’ll receive will be more collaborations between Eden and myself but, with another few 800 word stories still to come, we haven’t yet discussed it.


  1. Bill! Thanks for writing this.
    We will no doubt, continue to write together in some form or another.
    800 Word Story was simply one avenue to produce our stories.
    I’m sure we’ll discover others!


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